Sunday, December 26, 2010

Philosophy Eggnog 3-in-1

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!! This is by far the best Philosophy 3-in-1 so far!! I got this yesterday morning from my brother for Christmas. I actually knew I was getting it because I picked it out a couple of weeks ago at Marshalls and asked him to buy it for me, and since he loves me, he did :0). Do I have to tell you again that I am in love with eggnog? It's basically my favorite drink ever; I anticipate all year long the day this delicious and decadent drink arrives in my store's grocery aisle. As soon as I saw this in Marshalls, I knew it had to be mine. I didn't have high hopes for it as a shampoo since the other three Philosophy 3-in-1s failed miserably so I honestly didn't even try it as a shampoo. Buuuuutttt, this was so thick and creamy and a body wash, it's not even funny. With the same amount of product as I used with the other 3-in-1s, this Eggnog 3-in-1 lathered up so much better and was way creamier. And the smell!! The smell!! Eggnog heaven I tell you. If you love eggnog, you need this. The smell was so creamy, and thick, and strong, and creamy, and sweet, and a nutmeg-y.. and creamy. I think I need to go back to Marshalls and see if they have any more left cause I want backups!

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and got what you wished for :0)


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